Saturday , 27 July 2024
Home Feed Your Heart

Feed Your Heart


30 Provocative Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves

I’m approaching what some people call “an important milestone” – the big 30 🙂 Many start analyzing their life at this point, sorting through the life experiences, picking out what to keep and what to let go of. The thing is, all of them are necessary for us to grow, and even the ones that we want to forget have their value and place. It’s not about forgetting, it’s about making peace with it and letting go so it doesn’t affect your future. So if you find yourself questioning where you are in life, what you want to change and how to do it, I suggest you ask yourself some questions first. In order to get the right answers,  first you need to ask right questions. And only the right questions will send us down the path to right answers that might become that sacred key that will open the door to the future you seek. But how do you know which questions are the right ones? Here are a few components to consider: Right question should aim towards a goal Right question should be simple and clear Right question should open new possibilities Right question should make you think Right question should push you to act As I ponder these 30 provocative questions, I invite to do the same and share your discoveries through this process. The questions are pretty simple but by answering them you might “accidentally” put together a roadmap to a much happier and more successful YOU 🙂 1. What can I do today to better my tomorrow? 2. What time of the day am I being the most productive? 3. What can I do today that brings me joy? 4. Which 5 things am I most grateful for today? 5. What can I do today that can improve someone else’s life? 6. Which part of my character do I like the best? 7. What do I REALLY wanna do in life? 8. Consider all the people in your life. Which ones do I want to stick with? 9. When was the last time I travelled abroad? 10. How much useless TV do I watch daily? 11. Take a look at all your belongings. Do I really need all of this? 12. When was the last time I read a great book? 13. When was the last time I said “no”? 14. Do I really care what others think of me? 15. What do I really want to accomplish this year? 16. What are my life values? 17. What’s on my bucket list that I want to check off this year? 18. What can I do that will bring more happiness to my life? 19. When was the last time I stepped outside my comfort zone? 20. What can I do today to get just one step closer to my goals? 21. What my perfect day would look like from the moment of waking up up until drifting to sleep? 22. What positive habits would I …

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I Bet You Just Have To Share This!

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.” – ― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves I’m sure many of you can relate to this. A broken heart can brake your spirit. But locking away your heart just so it would not get hurt anymore is not the answer. Open it up for new possibilities, new love and care. Only then the pain will be replaced with new found love <3 It can be hard to do. You need to find the power within and find yourself again. Check out my book for important tools and guidance to get you where you want to be in no time..

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8 Ways To Live Life To The Fullest

“To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded.” ― Bessie Anderson Stanley How often do we catch ourselves living life on autopilot, going through the routine of the days, accepting what life throws at us and have each day pass by like the one before. Everything probably looks as normal as you feel, except maybe for a niggling feeling at the back of your head which says “it’s time for some changes”. If you want to break free from the chains of existing and truly want to start living, here are 8 ways to live life to the fullest! #1 – Look around you at all the great things and people in your life – and appreciate them. We fail to notice the little things people do for us until they stop doing them. Don’t be one of these people. Be grateful to your spouse, parents, children, friends and anyone else who touches your life. You don’t want to appreciate them when they are no longer with you. Appreciate the life you have and you will find so many reasons to live. #2 – Treat yourself as a bank account and don’t allow people around you to make more withdrawals than deposits in your life. If you let other people’s negativity and problems get to you. Your balance will run out if they don’t contribute enough happiness too. Remember that no one has the right to judge you, block out negative comments and get a control over how you react when people try to hurt you. #3 – Forgive. You don’t have to trust people who hurt you, but you can lighten your burden and forgive people who have hurt you. Do you actually want to spend the precious time you have on hating people? Should you not be too busy loving the people who love you? Remember that the person who forgives is the stronger and braver and happier one. So, start being stronger. Be brave. Be happy. Be free. #4 – Choose your relationships with great care. It is easy to be in relationships where there are good times. The true test in relationships come about when you are faced with obstacles that you go through together and still manage to say ‘I love you’ at the end. It is also not about saying ‘I love you’ to someone every day, it is about showing your love every day in every way. #5 – Don’t forget to love yourself too. You have all the people you love around you – …

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6 Things a True Friend Would Never Do

There are three types of friends in your life – acquaintances who enjoy your company for a while, friends who flatter you when the sun is shining and disappear when clouds threaten and true friends, people who have only your best interests in their hearts and would never ever…… 1. Walk away when the clouds are looking over you They always say that you should count the numbers of friends you have when you are going through tough times. Many will stand beside you when you are successful and going through good times; not all will survive the test of true friendship. Look out for the friends who sacrifice their time and resources so you can have it when you need it most. The people who are still standing beside you after you have come out of a difficult period in your life are your true friends. Value them for the rest of your life in the same way. 2. Criticize you for your flaws We all have flaws, imperfections and things lacking in ourselves. A true friend is one who will see all this and still be your true friend. With a true friend, you can lay exposed with all your flaws and still be loved because they are not going to judge you. A true friend will help you overcome your problems and flaws. 3. Hold a grudge You would have made mistakes in the past, and you would have learned from them and moved on to grow in your life. Some people will always be there to drag you back with your past. Some people will hold a grudge to your head and fill you with negativity. A true friend won’t. A true friend will always help you repair your past, present and future. If you have someone in your life who always judges you by your past and holds it against you, you need to repair your present and future by leaving them behind. 4. Discourage you Unfortunately, in life, you will also come across ‘friends’ who will discourage you just to hold you back from your full potential. It may be difficult to see that, but when you do, don’t let these imposers bring you down. Be careful of friends who belittle your dreams. Your true friends will encourage you to reach for the stars, and help you catch them too. 5. Take from you without giving back Your true friend will make you smile, will never take you for granted and will never leave you hanging. We all have friends who take so much from us and keep expecting more without giving back. Put some distance between you and see if they notice. If they notice, they care. If not, you know where your friendship stands. Giving is of course, part of friendship. The difference here is being taken advantage of. When this happens, you know you can slowly tick that friend off from your true friend list. They can still be your friend …

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7 Things Happy Couples Do Differently

All intimate relationships are made of a balanced winning recipe of trust, honesty and attraction. Happy couples do all this and even more, just like magic dust, to keep their love thriving and the flame burning for a very long time to come. The one thing all couples should remember is that love is not about finding the right person, it is actually about working with this person to create the right relationship for both of you. The couples that are able to turn things around successfully are the ones who can create loving and lasting relationships. Here are some of the things they do: 1. Time for one another. The worst form of abuse a relationship can go through is neglect or the lack of attention. Time spent together is the oxygen every couple needs and when you starve a relationship off this oxygen, you are basically giving it a slow death. We often underestimate the power of a kind word of appreciation, a thoughtful question asking after your partner’s day or a listening ear that is focused. This very simple act of caring can turn a relationship around from neglect to care. We don’t realize that when we pay attention to each other, we are actually breathing new life into each other too. This attention and affection is what a relationship needs to flourish and grow strong. To summarize: Stay in touch with your partner’s life and communicate openly. Call your partner in the middle of the day just to tell him or her that you love them. The result is worth the extra effort you take. 2. Being straightforward. No matter how sure you are about your partner’s love, it is always nice to be reminded of it with a few loving words and a loving gesture. When you truly love someone, it should reflect in your littlest of deeds. Don’t beat around the bush when you want to show your love, be straightforward. If you appreciate what your partner did for you today, tell them. If you adore your partner today, tell them. If you are hurt, tell them. Hearts often get confused and upset when left on their own thinking devices. Express your love everyday. 3. Meeting half way. The most important and sometimes the most difficult trip you both will make together is meeting your partner half way. Rather than working alone or against your partner, work with them by meeting them half way. Healthy and successful relationships are all about teamwork and compromise. 4. Actions that back up claims of love. Actions always speak louder than words. Act like you love your partner when you claim that you do. The way you treat your partner speaks your love louder than words ever can. You can say ‘I love you’ everyday, but if your actions don’t prove your words, your words are meaningless. Make a habit of showing your love. 5. Focus on what you like about your partner. The power of your thoughts …

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